Tightly Integrate Billing with Medical Records

Paperless, Efficient Billing
Say goodbye to the headaches from stamps, paper, and printing. VetBlue enables users to print or email client invoices, receipts, or estimates. Receipts can be generated with payment information, as well as any medical notes related to one or more patient visits. If you make an off-site visit, you can simply generate the invoice on the spot and email it immediately to the client. With VetBlue, in one click, users can provide a client with a professional-looking estimate for one or many procedures. If your client prefers to receive their invoices and communications via regular mail, you can easily print and mail them.
- Look professional with branded billing
- Email invoices straight from VetBlue
- Bill for multiple visits
- See who owes you for what
- Record taxes and discounts
- Track any type of payment
- Create billing and tax reports
Simplified Client Communication

Professional Client Communication Tools
Today’s consumers expect a lot from their service providers, and they are armed with a wealth of information and immediate access to multiple social media outlets. It is more important than ever that veterinarians communicate effectively and regularly with their clients in order to ensure they are satisfied customers. VetBlue provides you with powerful communication tools that produce professional-looking documents, so that you can communicate with your clients at the touch of a button, and maintain an accurate record of all of those communications.
- Look professional by using modern tools
- Manage multiple animals per client
- See which clients owe you and why
- Invoice through email
- Maintain a log of all communications with clients
Maintain Complete and Accurate Medical Records

Maintain Complete and Accurate Medical Records
Your clients expect complete and accurate medical records for their pets. With VetBlue, every record contains a history of procedures performed on the animal, as well as drugs or vaccines administered. In addition, users can enter medical and/or instructional notes associated with each patient’s medical record, and these notes can be included on the client’s invoice if desired. A client’s billing information is linked to the record in order to ensure procedures are being billed accordingly. Users can upload any type of file into the medical record for easy access, including x-rays, referring vet reports, and lab results. Reports can be generated for one or more patients so a client can easily view a history of their visits and procedures.
- Record complete medical notes
- Save time with procedure defaults
- Choose notes to share with clients
- Bundle procedures into templates
- Include images or any other file type
- Track changes to records
Integrate with the tools and tech you already use

Portability & Accessibility
With VetBlue, users are not tied down to a single machine at the office... and best of all, you can focus on running and growing your business rather than on learning how to use your software. All users in any location have access any time, day or night, from any browser, desktop or mobile device around the globe, 24×7. This means everyone in the practice can use their own devices to access their data from home, a client’s site, the office, their car, or even while on vacation. Connected employees can access up-to-date information, and work on the same document simultaneously with others and they no longer need to spend time sending, receiving, or synchronizing. This greatly enhances collaboration and productivity among all of your users.
- iPad, iPhone and Android compatible
- Windows and Mac compatible
- No syncing, no headaches
- Works on any device
- Send invoices on-the-spot
Communicate Effectively with other Vets

Enhance Communication with Referring Vets
Many times, there are other practitioners besides you that are caring for an animal. VetBlue provides many tools to help you manage relationships with referring vets or other professionals who interact with the animal, such as trainers. A referring vet or practitioner can have multiple animals associated with their record, making it easy to run a report of all animals associated with a specific referring vet or practitioner. Users can easily communicate and track communications with referring vets, in the same way as they do with clients – through stored contact information and the sending/logging of emails and phone calls. Users can also run revenue reports by referring practitioner to quickly determine who is sending business your way, in order to help you maintain positive relationships with these individuals and practices.
- Maintain a list of referring vets and other professionals
- Manage multiple animals per referring practitioner
- Send reports on visits without pricing info to referring vets
- Store all communication with other professionals
Send out many reminders in a single click

Follow-Up Procedure and Treatment Reminders
In today's practice, your success depends upon your ability to keep clients coming back for appointments and procedures. Clients often need to be reminded of upcoming appointments, yet this can be a rather cumbersome task for vets to stay on top of. With VetBlue, users can take advantage of the built-in reminder system that allows them to set a reminder and/or due date for any procedure performed on the animal. Users can easily set follow-up appointments and reminders for booster vaccinations, regular check ups, and other procedures. You can define defaults for the number of days when a follow-up procedure is due, helping you to standardize care.
- iPad, iPhone and Android compatible
- Windows and Mac compatible
- No syncing, no headaches
- Works on any device
- Send invoices on-the-spot
User-Friendly Reporting Capabilities

User-Friendly Reporting Capabilities
With VetBlue’s powerful reporting engine, users can also customize pre-built reports, or easily create new ones with sophisticated yet easy-to-use point-and-click tools. You don’t need to hire an IT expert to write complicated queries that pull data from a database. Users can change the filter criteria by date, change the columns displayed, and change the order of the columns…all without writing a single piece of complicated code. Once reports are generated they can be formatted for printing or exported into Excel for further manipulation.
- Customize pre-built reports
- Build Reports from scratch
- Powerful point-and-click capabilities
- No fiddling with complicated code
- Export reports to Excel
- Control access to reports
Calendar across all doctors visible in a single view

Calendars and Scheduling Made Easy
It is essential that today’s busy veterinarians maximize the use of their time. Effective scheduling and calendar tools are critical so that everyone in your practice can stay on the same page. VetBlue makes it easy for users to integrate appointments, with specific start and end times, into the user’s calendar. All previous and upcoming appointments can be viewed using an intuitive calendar that is available in many views – day, week or month, or users can view appointments in a list view. VetBlue’s calendar and scheduling tools enable everyone in your practice to see who is scheduled for what and when.
- User-friendly calendar views
- Schedule visits from within calendar
- Calendar available for each user
- Set primary doctor for each visit
Proven Reliability and Availability

World-Class Cloud Security Infrastructure
When you’re hosted in the cloud you get the security infrastructure of a Fortune 500 company at the price of a small business. VetBlue provides you with peace of mind, and is hosted on a highly-secure platform, using the latest firewall protection, intrusion-detection systems, and SSL encryption. The platform has several third-party certifications, including ISO 27001, the SysTrust audit (the recognized standard for system security), and SysTrust SAS 70 Type II (an attestation for internal corporate controls). VetBlue’s platform provides protection at the application level, facilities level, and network level.
- World-class security infrastructure
- Data encrypted in transit
- 99.9% uptime track record
- Hourly off-site backups
- Nightly tape back-ups
- All transactions mirrored across continents
Start a Free Trial
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Or call us: (415) 754-8384

“ For the cost you get outstanding service, education and the program is very easy to implement. ”